Friday 10 July 2015

Recognize And Treat Gastritis In Dogs

When a dog experiences gastritis, he has an inflammation of the stomach lining. A dog owner may become suspicious of a health issue when the canine begins vomiting excessively. This condition has the potential to be life-threatening to your dog, so immediate care is needed. Here’s recognize and treat gastritis in dogs.


1. Evaluate your dog for signs of gastritis. A dog that experiences this condition may have vomiting and diarrhea. You may also notice lethargy and blood in the stool and vomit.

2. Take your canine to the emergency hospital. Dogs with this condition need immediate care. Sometimes gastritis occurs because a canine has ingested a toxic substance or spoiled food. If you have a large dog, have someone assist in carrying the canine to the car. Contact the vet and advise her of your arrival.

3. Design a treatment plan for your dog. If the dog has been vomiting excessively, it’s important to get your canine hydrated. Administering intravenous fluids can accomplish this. In addition, medication may be administered to reduce your canine’s vomiting.

4. Put your dog on a bland diet. Your vet can recommend a dog food that will aid in your canine’s recovery. Make sure not to share human food with your dog while she is recovering.

5. Move your dog’s bed to a quite place. Your dog will need rest to aid in recovery. Move his bed to a quite corner of the home free of stress and distractions.

Tags: your canine, immediate care, vomiting excessively