Monday 13 July 2015

Run With Orthotics

Orthotics work to control the function and alignment of one's foot and are worn by both runners and the nonathletic alike. Whatever series of events causes you to need orthotics, whether it is from excessive and repeated running sessions or simply genetically inherited foot abnormalities, your orthotics will enable you to run with much more ease than before you had them. The best way to run with orthotics is to learn run properly, so your orthotics will provide you with the most effective relief and support.


1. Place your orthotics into a pair of running or athletic shoes.

2. Know what proper running with orthotics involves. By learning to run with orthotics, you will be training your body to move a certain way instead of using your muscles a certain way.

3. Practice running with your orthotics using the proper running techniques. Begin running and focus on running on the balls of your feet.

4. Strike the surface of the pavement you are running on with the ball of your foot. Your toes should be flexed, so they point forwards instead of downwards.

5. Continue to run with this as your focus, making sure that your heel doesn't touch the ground.

6. Focus on your landing. As your foot hits the pavement, it should hit lightly, not heavily or loudly. It should barely grip and scratch the surface on which you are running.

7. Focus on the position of your knees. As your foot hits the pavement you are running on, your knee should be bent just slightly and your foot should land slightly below your hips.

8. Continue running, practicing this technique every time you run. Over time, your body will begin to adjust to the proper running techniques, so when you run with your orthotics, you will find that the proper stride and techniques come naturally.

Tags: your orthotics, orthotics will, your foot, proper running, running with, your orthotics will