Friday 3 July 2015

Secure A Plastic Runner On Stairs

A plastic stair runner protects the carpet on your stairs.

While a carpet runner can instantly transform plain stairs into something elegant, a carpet runner that is worn and stained will make a set of stairs appear haggard. You can protect stairs with a plastic stair runner. A plastic stair runner protects a carpet runner from heavy foot traffic, while showcasing the colors and patterns of the rug. It's also unnecessary to hire a professional to install a stair runner. Here are steps to follow to do it at home. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the tread and rise of one of the stairs with measuring tape. The tread is the part that your foot steps on. The riser is the vertical part supporting the tread. Write down the measurements. Multiply them by the numbers of stairs that you have. This should be the minimum length of your plastic stair runner.

2. Grab the edge of a plastic stair runner and push it into the top step at the stop of the stairs. Spikes on the underside of the plastic will really dig into the weave of the carpet on the tread of the top stair. Push the plastic flat into the riser in a similar fashion, making sure that the spikes connect with the weave of the carpet.

3. Nail in a tack at the four corners of the tread and the four corners of the riser. Continue in this fashion, pushing the spikes of the plastic runner into the carpet, making sure that the spikes dig into the weave of the carpet making a tight connection. Secure them further with tacks until all the stairs are covered with the plastic runner.

Tags: stair runner, plastic stair, plastic stair runner, carpet runner, weave carpet, carpet making