Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Run With Heel Pain

Heel pain while running can quickly thwart your attempts to stay fit and continue your running regimen. There are several reasons for the development of heel pain, including cracked heels, athlete's foot, blisters and tense Achilles tendons, as well as the development of plantar fasciitis. Thankfully, there are methods that can minimize the pain one experiences during a run.


The Process

1. Get a pair of magnetic insoles to reduce tension in your Achilles tendon and to provide arch support; insert them into your athletic shoes and wear them during your run. Insert the second pair of magnetic insoles into your everyday shoes to wear throughout the day.

2. Conduct regular stretching exercises of the legs before your run to reduce muscular tension in the lower extremities, calves, hamstrings and ankles.

3. Loosen up the ligaments and tendons in the ankle by rotating the ankles in a circle, counterclockwise and clockwise ten times in each direction, before your run.

4. Apply minimal pressure to the heel when you run to keep the heel from impacting against the shoe and running surface; shift the force of your run toward the arch and upper portion of the foot and toes to absorb some of the impact.

5. Get into a good rhythm with the run so that every step down on the running surface is light; keep your knees bent and bounce on your feet to minimize heel pain and intensify your running speed.

6. Examine the soles on an old pair of your running shoes to assess what part of your foot strikes the ground the most.

7. Change the way you position your foot with each landing based upon the diagram provided. Shift pressure to the locations illustrated in image one, two or three. Shift foot pressure to the pressure points in image one or three if experiencing central heel pain. Shift foot pressure to pressure points in image two if experiencing left-sided heel pain.

8. Run for shorter durations if suffering from plantar fasciitis; it will give the muscles in the bottom of the foot time to rest and recover.

Tags: heel pain, your running, before your, foot pressure, foot pressure pressure, image three