Thursday 21 May 2015

Plan A Charity Fundraiser

Plan a Charity Fundraiser

Charity fund-raisers can raise money and awareness about important causes, so it is important they be planned effectively to ensure the event is a success, people enjoy themselves and you have raised as much money as possible.


The Early Stages

1. Decide what type of event you will be hosting---auction, parlor meeting, dinner, speaker, sale or marathon. Discuss the options with the board or committee to ensure the event is appropriate for your organization. See resources for ideas.

2. Create a budget for the event (which you should follow as closely as possible) and set a goal for how much money you hope to raise.

3. Select a chairperson or chairpersons to oversee the event---ideally someone who is well-connected and that you trust to help you with fund-raising and planning.

4. Secure sponsorship for auction items, food and drinks, and invitations. Sponsors should be mentioned and promoted before, during and after the event.

5. Promote the event in newspaper ads (budget permitting), press releases, posters and palm cards. You can also promote the event online using flash ads, social websites such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter, and blogs and mailing lists.

6. Talk up your cause at the event and, if appropriate, include a call to action for people to donate to the cause.

7. Follow up with a thank you to everyone who participated in the planning process and/or sponsored part of the event.

Tags: Charity Fundraiser, ensure event, event appropriate, much money, Plan Charity