Friday 29 May 2015

Prepare Your Vehicle For Longterm Storage

Use a cover to protect your vehicle in storage.

Storing your vehicle for a long term involves many more considerations than would, say, storing clothes or furniture. Before you can store the vehicle, make sure that you obtain a secure, dry storage location, to protect your vehicle from the elements. The location can be your own personal garage or a rented space from a professional storage company. Prepare your vehicle before you place it in storage so that it maintains its condition until you retrieve it -- you certainly don't want to pay more money for repairs caused by its deterioration.


1. Change the oil in your vehicle, or have an oil change performed by professional mechanics. Replace the old oil with synthetic motor oil.

2. Fill the vehicle's fuel tank completely with gasoline to protect against moisture forming inside the fuel tank, which will lead to rust.

3. Add fuel stabilizer to the fuel tank, according to the manufacturer's instructions, to further protect against moisture.

4. Open the hood of your vehicle and use an adjustable wrench, or pliers, to loosen the nuts on the battery cables. Disconnect both cables and remove the battery, to be absolutely sure the battery does not crack or leak acid. Store the battery until you are ready to replace it in the vehicle, upon your return.

5. Wash the exterior of the vehicle, using soapy water in a bucket and a rag, or run the vehicle through a car wash. Dry the exterior with a clean towel. Wax the vehicle's exterior.

6. Spray lithium grease on a rag and wipe down the vehicle's tires with the rag. Wipe down the vehicle's weather stripping with the rag, as well.

7. Clean the vehicle interior, and also vacuum it. Apply either a vinyl or leather conditioner on the interior surfaces, to prevent cracking.

8. Place a vehicle cover over the vehicle.

Tags: fuel tank, your vehicle, your vehicle, against moisture, down vehicle, protect against