Thursday 21 May 2015

Plan A Chinese New Year Party

Planning a Chinese New Year Party takes no more effort than planning a traditional New Year party. Just follow these steps and get ready to have fun. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine the date. The Chinese New Year does not begin Jan. 1 because the Chinese follow the Lunisolar calendar.

2. Prepare a guest list. When doing this, keep in mind how many people your home or the party venue can accommodate.

3. Send invitations to your Chinese New Year Party. Send them through email or through traditional mail. Give your guests time to respond. Send invitations by email at least two weeks in advance. Give your guest three to four weeks to respond if you send the invitations via snail mail.

4. Plan the party menu. Pick foods that represent something in the Chinese culture such as coconuts for togetherness, oranges and tangerines for happiness and luck and fish for abundance.

5. Select beverages. Again, stick with the theme and pick drinks that are orange (symbolizing wealth and luck such as Orange Martinis or Screwdrivers, and red (for good luck and happiness) such as Bloody Marys or Mai Tais.

6. Buy decorations. Pick decorations in colors that are symbolic in Chinese culture such as red for good luck and happiness, and orange for wealth and good luck.

Tags: Chinese Year, Chinese Year Party, good luck, Year Party, Chinese culture, Chinese culture such, culture such