Friday 22 May 2015

Plan A Picnic Fundraiser

Plan a Picnic Fundraiser

Picnic fundraisers generate needed revenue while encouraging outdoor fun. Planning a picnic fundraiser means selecting an attractive venue, designing announcements, determining an entrance fee, planning food, and lining up a raffle to bring in even more funds.


1. Select a park with picnic tables and covered areas, if possible, in case of rain. Call the city, county or other appropriate park authority to reserve space. Allot for possible fees to use the site.

2. Give your picnic fundraiser a catchy name. Create announcements including the date, time, location, and cost. Flyers are effective ways to spread the word about your fundraiser and can be posted in strategic locations, such as school bulletin boards. Use computer applications, such as MS Word or Publisher, to add graphics and attractive fonts.

3. Determine how your group or organization will collect donations. After a reasonable entrance fee, you might suggest a donation for a picnic buffet and collect donations from a raffle.

4. Consider organizing a potluck. Circulate a sign-up sheet listing common food categories like sandwiches, salads, chips, drinks and desserts. Request that attendees bring picnic foods such as deviled eggs, fried chicken, potato salad and watermelon.

5. Visit local merchants to gather donations for a gourmet picnic basket raffle. Ask them to donate items for the basket like a picnic blanket, cloth napkins, picnic utensils and wine goblets. Ask a liquor store to donate a bottle of wine. Solicit a local grocer for gourmet cheeses, artisan bread and fine meats and spreads for sandwiches. Don't forget to give merchants credit in your flyer and at the raffle table.

Tags: collect donations, Picnic Fundraiser, picnic fundraiser, Plan Picnic, Plan Picnic Fundraiser