Friday 29 May 2015

Prepare The Night Before Your First Marathon

You have trained for months and sacrificed much. Less than 24 hours before the big race, it is common to feel intimidated and unsure. It may seem as though even the slightest unforeseen complication could derail your hopes for marathon success. Rest assured, simply maintaining the routine you've already established and abiding by a few basic guidelines will help you to achieve your marathon goal.


Less than 24 Hours: Preparing for a Marathon

1. Wear-test everything one last time to ensure comfort. Prepare additional tops, bottoms and pairs of socks. Be prepared for cold weather and warm weather, but keep in mind that you will feel much warmer as you run. You might be tempted to buy some new apparel for the race at a marathon expo. If a brand and material has worked well for you in the past, it might be worth the risk, but remember that there is a risk involved. Chaffing is all the more unpleasant when it interferes with a personal record.

2. Eat well, but be careful not to eat too much. You can (almost) never go wrong with a meal that has worked for you on long training runs. However, avoid anything that has the potential to upset your stomach. Do not feel compelled to eat a meal consisting purely of carbohydrates. Loading up on pasta one night before a race will not improve your performance dramatically, but it can be detrimental. Stick with what you have been eating throughout your training and have an extra piece of bread or small serving of rice on the side. Remember to continue hydrating as well.

3. If you use a fuel belt or energy gels, ensure the fit of the belt and stock it with energy supplements. If you do not use a belt, place the energy supplements in your pockets or near your running clothes. Place your number and safety pins nearby. It is imperative to lay out everything you will need in the morning so that you will be able to easily locate it. You do not want to become stressed while searching for that elusive left sock an hour before the race.

4. Set the timer on the coffee maker if you want caffeine before the race. Determine a route to the race and plan extra time if you will need to drive. Also allow time to warm up, use the bathroom and pick up your race packet if you have not already. Set multiple alarm clocks in case one should fail. If you are staying in a hotel, arrange for a wake-up call in addition to your alarms. If not, consider asking a friend to ensure you are awake at your designated time.

5. Now that you have prepared everything for morning, get a good night's sleep. Do not plan to sleep in excess of what you normally do. It is more crucial to sleep well two nights before the marathon, and sleep only adequately the night before. You will not need eight hours if you normally only sleep for six, but any less sleep than usual will probably adversely affect you.

Tags: before race, will need, energy supplements, Less than, night before, that will