Friday 29 May 2015

Prepare For Your First Trail Run

With the right preparation - physical and logistical - your first trail run should be both exciting and enjoyable.


1. Establish a base level of fitness and a familiarity with the trails you intend to run before heading out for your first trail run. Do this by running on roads or a track, and by hiking or mountain biking on trails.

2. Outfit yourself with the appropriate gear - a good pair of trail-running shoes and comfortable running clothes, plus a water bottle or backpack hydration system and energy gels or bars.

3. Buy a guide to the local trails. A mountain bike guide, hiking guide or cross-country skiing guide will suffice if you can't find one devoted to running.

4. Ask friends, running store employees or running club members for opinions on the best trails for beginners. Even if you're an experienced runner, it's best to start on easy trails if you've never run off-road before.

5. Choose a trail. Base your choice on what you find in the guide and the opinions of those you've consulted.

6. Call the appropriate land-management agency before you go to ensure the trail is safe and open to the public.

7. Tell someone where you're going before you depart - always an important safety precaution.

8. Bring a copy of the trail map with you in the pocket of your running shorts or tights.

Tags: first trail, your first