Thursday 28 May 2015

Prepare For Labor And Delivery

Prepare for Labor and Delivery

Your days of pregnancy are coming to an end, and your little one is preparing to make his way into the world. Below are a few suggestions that will help you feel prepared for your child's birth.


1. Attend a birthing class such as Lamaze class or an International Childbirth Education Association class. Birthing classes teach you about the different stages of labor as well as give you breathing techniques and birthing positions that aid in delivery.

2. Prepare for childbirth with exercise throughout your pregnancy. Being in good physical condition makes your pregnancy and delivery easier. It is also important to do Kegel exercises which strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

3. Write out a birth plan. Include where and how you would like to labor, who can attend the birth, what medications you would like to be offered and what you would like the first moments to be like with your newborn.

4. Visit your practitioner regularly to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Talk with him about your concerns and wishes.

5. Read books or articles on aspects of labor and delivery that you would like to know more about. There is a large selection of great books that answer all types of questions new mothers have. "What to Expect When You are Expecting" covers many aspects of pregnancy.

6. Pack for your trip to the hospital. Your labor may come earlier than you expect.

Tags: would like, Labor Delivery, Prepare Labor, Prepare Labor Delivery, your pregnancy