Friday 8 May 2015

Make Your Own Gas Station Sign

Create a sign for your gas station.

Making a sign for your gas station is a creative way add a personal touch to your business. A gas station sign may be used in addition to -- or instead of -- a traditional neon sign by the edge of the road into the gas station. Take an artistic approach to making a sign. It could be a wooden sign on the front of the building, a plastic banner that hangs inside the window or a sandwich board that is put out every morning and taken inside when the gas station closes. Fast Signs advises that full-color graphics get the most attention and that a border helps your customers focus as they can read it 26 percent faster.


1. Measure the area you are going to put your sign. No matter if it is outside, inside or on a sandwich board, you need to know the dimensions so you can plan accordingly.

2. Draft a sign. Use brown wrapping paper -- taped together if required -- and do a test run of your gas station sign. Use colored markers, rather than paint. Revise accordingly and do another mock-up until you get the design you want.

3. Gauge how big the letters have to be. Fast Sign suggests that the sign be easily distinguishable from its surroundings and that it can be seen from a typical viewing distance. If you don't have much room, use lightly colored letters on a dark background.

4. Paint a white undercoat if you are using wood. Let the undercoat dry thoroughly.

5. Buy, make or download letter stencils for your sign if you want a uniform finish. Alternatively, freehand sketch in the letters and then paint them.

6. Use color. Whereas a black and white sign may go relatively unnoticed, color draws the view's eyes and alerts them to your gas station. If you have enough space, go with bright letters -- red, yellow and green -- for an eye-catching effect.

7. Add photos to your sign. Fast Signs advises that photos add an extra 300 percent recall. Depending on the sort of gas station sign, get a photo enlarged and stick it to the sign and then shellac over it to protect it from the elements.

Tags: station sign, your sign, your station, advises that, Fast Signs