Tuesday 12 May 2015

Measure A Percentage Of Weight Loss

Calculating the percentage of weight lost is a useful tool for weight loss.

Calculating your weight loss percentage is an integral aspect of losing weight. Knowing this piece of information will keep you motivated, allow you to adjust your workout routine to make it more effective and show you how much progress you have made. Thus, it is always important to calculate your weight loss percentage every few weeks.


Calculate Percentage of Weight Loss

1. Write down your starting weight before you begin your new workout routine or whenever you wish to begin calculating your weight loss percentage. This number is vital to the calculation so do not lose it.

2. Weigh yourself one or two weeks after your initial measurement. This number will help you determine the total change in your weight. Remember to work out, eat healthy and incorporate more active lifestyle changes over the given time period to ensure weight loss rather than gain.

3. Input the two measurements you have taken into the weight loss percentage equation. The equation is ((IW-CW)/CW) * 100 = Weight loss percentage. In this equation, IW stands for the "initial weight" you measured at the beginning and CW stands for the "current weight" you measured at the end. The resulting number will be the percent of your total initial weight that you have lost.

4. Use the weight loss percentage to maximize your weight loss strategies. For example, if you switch to a new workout routine you should calculate your weight loss percentage over the course of the first two weeks. If the percentage of weight lost is not equal to your old routine then the new routine is not as effective. This will help you find the methods of weight loss that are best suited for you. This strategy of using weight loss percentage to evaluate new weight loss methods can also be applied to new diets, cardio routines, supplements and lifestyle changes.

Tags: loss percentage, weight loss percentage, weight loss, your weight, your weight loss, weight loss