Wednesday 13 May 2015

Motivate People To Participate In A Fundraiser At Work

Company fundraisers often rely on employees for success.

Some companies, especially nonprofits, use fundraisers as a means to increase income or raise money for a special project. In some cases, employee participation is a crucial element in the success of the fundraiser. If the employees don't work toward the fundraising goal, the fundraiser may fall short. To help ensure this doesn't happen, a company must motivate its employees to work hard at raising the needed money. When the employees are properly motivated, they take pride in their work and want to help out.


1. Meet with the employees in your company to let them know what the money will be used for and why it is important. When employees know why they are trying to raise money, they become motivated to help. Expecting your employees to participate with no explanation will not be effective.

2. Offer prizes for the employees that bring in the most money. The prizes can be donated items, goods provided by your company or even monetary compensation. If your employees know they may win something, they are more likely to be motivated to participate. To encourage motivation, choose prizes your employees want. Sending a survey around can help you decide which prizes to offer.

3. Allow your staff to dress casually for a day, if your company requires business clothes for a typical work day. Employees that would not normally contribute to fundraisers may be motivated to do so for the chance to wear jeans and a T-shirt to work for a day.

4. Reward entire departments for contributing to a fundraiser. A group reward not only motivates individual workers to try to meet fundraising goals, it also encourages teamwork among your employees. Teamwork benefits the company in many ways, including fundraising.

5. Organize a fun event as part of the fundraiser, especially one that can include your employees' families. For instance, pair up with a local amusement park and offer tickets where the proceeds go toward your business. When an employee gets to do something they would normally do anyways while supporting the business, they are more likely to go through the business.

Tags: your employees, your company, employees know, employees know they, employees work