Wednesday 13 May 2015

Nail A Job Interview At A Law Firm

Any job interview can be intimidating regardless of where the interview is taking place. Interviewing at a law firm could be downright scary, especially if you are meeting with a lawyer. If you're properly prepared, though, you can do more than just get by in the interview. You can land a job at the firm. Here is nail a job interview at a law firm.


1. Go into the interview full of confidence. A lawyer or law firm will be looking for somebody who can speak with clients and other attorneys without wavering a bit. If you're nervous during the interview, the person interviewing you will not believe that you are capable of handling the pressure that a job with a law firm brings.

2. Bring a note pad and a pen into the interview. This is probably a good idea when entering any interview, especially one with a law firm. Working at a law firm will mean taking plenty of notes regarding different cases and meetings. It will impress the person interviewing you that you are detailed enough to take notes regarding the interview. Taking notes will also help you when the time comes to ask the interviewer any questions regarding the job at the law firm.

3. Give a good explanation regarding law school to the interviewer. Practically every interview at a law firm will include a question regarding law school. You will most likely be asked why you haven't attended law school and if you ever plan to do so. Normally, an answer such as “I wasn't looking forward to (insert number) years of school and internships,” will suffice while interviewing at a law firm.

4. Talk about the different types of law that you are interested in. This is important whether your interviewing at a law firm that deals with real estate, civil liberties or personal injury. A law firm will be more interested in you if you're a well-rounded individual. You should also explain why these different types of law interest you. Bring up personal experiences and how you feel a job in law could benefit you and, more importantly, others.

5. Ask plenty of questions before the end of your interview. A law firm is going to want to hire somebody that is detailed and concerned with every little bit of information. Leave no question unanswered, even if it's the slightest detail such as what you would be wearing if you did get the position.

6. Be personable during your interview at the law firm. Many people believe that they should be stiff and all business when interviewing at a law firm. The fact is that you'll be working with attorneys. They have to deal with other lawyers as well as clients. Both of these groups of people can be less than fun to deal with during the week. Your attorney will not want to deal with somebody in the office that as zero personality.

Tags: firm will, deal with, interview firm, interviewing firm, believe that