Thursday 14 May 2015

Open A Lunch Truck

Open a Lunch Truck

Every day people eat lunch. They bring lunch to work with them or buy it from restaurants and fast food stores. A lunch truck brings breakfast and lunch food to people working at factories and on construction sites so they do not have to leave work to obtain food for the day. Open a lunch truck business and cater to working people.


1. Decide if you prefer to open a lunch truck where you prepare the food from scratch for your customers or one where you only sell pre-packaged foods.

2. Line up your suppliers. You will need a local wholesale house to buy miscellaneous items. Pick a soda company, snack company, bread company and meat company to buy your supplies.

3. Go to local factories and construction sites and request permission to visit their site to provide breakfast, break and lunch food to their workers. Stress the benefits to the manager. Advise that the workers will not have to leave the site so they will not return late. The workers will work harder after having a full break time in which to rest.

4. Create your route based on break times and logistics. If necessary, request some of your stops to adjust their time to work with your lunch truck stop.

5. Apply and obtain all licenses required to open your lunch truck business. You will need a board of health permit, sales tax collection license and other local permits that your city or county may require.

6. Open your lunch truck for business. Go to each assigned stop at the same time every day to grow your business.

Tags: lunch truck, lunch truck business, truck business, your lunch, your lunch truck