Friday 15 May 2015

Operate A Hot Dog Cart

Set up hot dog stand

Operating a hot dog cart is much like operating any fast-food business. One of the prerequisites is being pleasant to all customers, including those who whine, complain or ask for a refund. Keeping the hot dog cart spotless will keep customers coming back and the health department inspectors away. It also is important to offer, and have prepared, some other type of fast lunch to satisfy the appetites of all customers.


1. Make sure you have hot dogs sitting in boiled water at all times to meet the demand of those who eat on the run. Change the water in between rush hours; the hot dogs should not sit around in greasy hot water that will attract bacteria.

2. Always have a pot full of warm sauerkraut for those who like it on top of their hot dog, or onion sauce for those who prefer this type of condiment. Of course, make sure that ketchup, mustard and relish are always available for those who ask for the "works" on their dog.

3. Place the hot dog buns in their own bin to keep them soft. To speed the process between the time the customer places his order and the time he takes his first bite, make sure the mustard, ketchup and relish serving bottles are conveniently placed and always filled.

4. Keep an inviting aroma filling the air by grilling onions and/or sausages, especially if your location is in front of a busy store. There is nothing as inviting as the smell of cooked onions to lure in those who meant only to shop and not eat.

Tags: make sure