Friday, 15 May 2015

Organize A Fundraiser

You may need to organize a fund-raiser sometime in your life, and there are ways to do it to make your job easier. Forming a committee and getting volunteers is the key to a successful fund-raiser. Knowing the laws of fund-raising is also important.


1. Learn the basic rules of fund-raising. This includes understanding that donors can't receive anything for their donations. Charities and nonprofit organizations must register to accept charitable donations. This includes the people who are fund-raising for the charity or nonprofit organization.

2. Put together a script to ask people for money. It isn't an easy task--asking for money--but if you believe in the cause you're raising money for, then you should be able to write down the reasons to support this charity. Next, you need to refine it, so it's as natural to you as saying your name. Try it out on others, before you test it for real, to be sure it sounds right.

3. Get a list of donors who have contributed to the charity in the past. Make sure you update the list as you get new donors. Remember that word of mouth is one of the best ways to advertise, and you're advertising a fund-raiser. Therefore, listen to the donors; they may know others who are interested in helping out with the fund-raiser or in donating to it.

4. Look over that list of donors and be sure they have received thanks for their gift. A big part of fund-raising is being sure to thank everyone involved. This means not only the people who have contributed funds but also the volunteers.

5. Believe in the charity you are fund-raising for, don't set your expectations too high and have faith in people. These traits will carry you far when you're fund-raising. Try to instill them in the people who are working with you.

Tags: list donors, have contributed, This includes