Thursday 14 May 2015

Plan A Trip To Paris

The Eiffel Tower is a popular tourist attraction in Paris.

Paris, the capital of France, is a popular tourist destination and home to world-famous attractions, including the Louvre, Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. Travel to the City of Light may seem unattainable but by following a few guidelines you will soon bid "au revoir" to your family, friends and coworkers and be on your way.


1. Decide on a budget and start saving money. This budget is the most important aspect in planning, as it can determine the length of your trip, what attractions you do or do not see, where you stay and what you eat. Be realistic when setting a budget and realize that saving may take some time. Don't let this discourage you as budgeting will build your excitement about your upcoming trip.

2. Determine when you would like to go to Paris as certain times of the year are better than others and have a bearing on airline prices. According to Frommer's, a popular travel guide company, Paris is best in the spring (April to June) or fall (September to November). If you go during July or August, you may experience heightened lines at attractions or increased fees for hotels. Once you know when you would like to go, decide for how long.

3. Get a passport or make it sure the one you have is up to date. This may take a few weeks or several months so have the paperwork completed well in advance. Double check the expiration date -- it would be a pity to find out your passport had expired when you arrive at the airport

4. Book your airfare and hotel. Many travel websites including Expedia, Priceline and Travelocity offer significant discounts if you book your airfare and hotel together.

5. Make a list of attractions you would like to see once you arrive in Paris. Some of the most famous include Montmarte, Notre Dame, Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Champs- lys es, the catacombs and the Jardin du Luxembourg. Most attractions charge an entrance fee but some, like the Louvre, reduce the price at specified times during the week.

6. Decide what restaurants you would like to try. Dining in Paris can be done on any budget. With literally thousands of restaurants to choose from, it should not be difficult to find something to suit you. Aim to be adventurous and try something you have never eaten.

7. Learn a little French before you go. Knowing choice phrases and common pleasantries can readily enhance your interactions with people. With the accessibility of foreign-language dictionaries, podcasts and audio guides, there is no excuse for not trying. The French love to hear foreigners at least make an attempt to speak their language. A few French words to the harried waiter or the unfriendly store clerk results in better service, a smile and overall appreciation.

8. Enjoy your trip Take plenty of photos, explore the city, see the sights, eat new foods and meet strangers.

Tags: would like, Eiffel Tower, airfare hotel, Notre Dame, popular tourist, when would, when would like