Thursday, 7 May 2015

Run In A Weight Loss Program

Running can help you lose weight

Most weight loss programs suggest that you exercise as well as diet. Running is especially good because it burns more calories than most other exercises. Exercise is even more important for keeping the weight off after you have lost it. Running may not be the best choice if you are on a very low-calorie diet, because the diet may not give you enough energy to run. Check with your doctor before you start running.


1. If you are already running, keep on with it. If you are a beginning runner, start by walking or use a walk-run program. For a walk-run program, run for, say, five minutes and walk for three minutes. Repeat for the duration of your workout. If you have a lot of weight to lose, walk-run may be best because it is easier on your knees than running straight through.

2. Plan the days you will run. Run three or four days a week, and do a longer workout one day on the weekend.

3. Increase your time or distance no more than 10 percent per week. If you reach 20 miles a week, you can stick with that. There is no need to go farther at this point, although you may want to train for a long race some time in the future, after you have lost weight.

4. If you are doing a walk-run program, adjust it gradually so you do more running and less walking. You do not have to go to all running if you prefer walk-run.

5. As you lose weight, your body has to use fewer calories when you run, so you will lose weight slower. Keep up with your program and be patient.

Tags: lose weight, walk-run program, after have, after have lost, have lost, with your