Monday 11 May 2015

Market Your Nonprofit

It takes a concerted strategy to market a nonprofit organization.

Getting the word out about a nonprofit organization can be a challenging task, particularly since such organizations typically run on tight budgets and depend on donations to keep them afloat. But despite this, there are numerous ways to market a nonprofit, with the Internet coming in particularly useful for this. Using a dedicated website, as well as social networking tools, it's possible to steadily build name recognition, support and donations for a nonprofit of nearly any size or purpose.


1. Create and maintain a website. A website is good for numerous reasons: it can contain information about the nonprofit's purpose, goals, management structure, accomplishments and more. It can also serve as a receptacle for online donations, a point where the latest news and information can be disseminated, and also serves as visual evidence that the nonprofit is a legitimate one with a solid foundation, and not just a fly-by-night organization.

2. Use social media networking to get the word out. Start accounts with social networking sites like Facebook and Google+ to reach and attract people who aren't already familiar with the nonprofit or don't visit its main website. Post news updates, photos and other information on the networking sites that will draw people in and make them want to learn more. Also, in the information section on the networking sites, be sure to include an organizational biography and link to the nonprofit's main website.

3. Seek free media coverage, such as on TV news broadcasts and in newspapers. Whenever the nonprofit is part of a significant event, such as starting an outreaching campaign, receiving a significant donation or celebrating an anniversary or other milestone, write up and send out a press release to the various media outlets that may be interested in a story. The amount and type of media interest typically depends on the scale of the nonprofit. Smaller, local nonprofits can expect to receive attention from community news shows and weekly newspapers, while national organizations may receive wider-scale attention.

4. Produce periodic informational videos that can be posted on video streaming sites. Start a dedicated channel on YouTube and other sites where free accounts are offered. Streaming videos are a great way to reach people who might not have the time or inclination to read a press release or other information on the nonprofit's site or elsewhere. Creating short videos of three minutes or less and embedding them on video and social networking sites is a good way to make sure the nonprofit's message is potentially seen and heard by a wider audience.

Tags: networking sites, social networking, about nonprofit, main website, market nonprofit, nonprofit organization