Tuesday 12 May 2015

Measure Nordic Walking Sticks

Nordic walking sticks, also called trekking poles, were originally created for skiers who wanted to continue training in the warm months. Now adopted by walkers, the poles can turn an ordinary hike into a full-fledged, total-body workout. By some estimates, Nordic poles can boost calorie burn by as much as 40 percent over regular walking. When measured to the correct height and used properly, Nordic trekking poles also help walkers maintain good posture while walking, keep their balance on uneven or slick surfaces, take pressure off the hips and knees, and tighten and tone the upper body.


1. Calculate your height in centimeters by multiplying your height in inches by 2.54. For example, if you measure 65 inches tall (5 feet 5 inches), your height in centimeters is 165.1.

2. Multiply your height in centimeters by .68 to estimate 68 percent of your total height. This is generally a good height for walking poles. For a woman who is 165.1 cm tall, 68 percent of her height (165.1 x .68) is 112.268 cm.

3. Round that number up or down to the nearest increment of five. (Nordic poles are sized in increments of 5 cm.) In this example, round 112.268 cm down to 110 cm. This is roughly the length of the trekking pole you will need for efficient Nordic walking. Most poles will be marked with the length.

4. Test the length of the trekking pole by gripping the handle and resting the tip of the shaft against the outside of your heel. Your elbow should be bent at a 90-degree angle, or slightly greater.

5. Walk with the poles to determine if they are comfortable for you. Your hands should raise to about chest height on the upswing as you walk, and the poles should not drag the ground when you bring them forward.

Tags: your height, height centimeters, your height centimeters, length trekking, length trekking pole, Nordic poles, Nordic walking